Monday, October 10, 2011

That Outfit with the Funny Name

The lack of blog posts is a pretty good indication that I've been to busy to create any thus far in my adventures abroad.  I arrived in Oxford on Sunday 25 September, along with my Mom who came with me for a brief visit.  Here is a short recap of my time here so far; we're gonna do this recap fast, kind of stream of consciousness.  It helps to imagine this song in the background while you read about my whirlwind first week:

Sunday.  Landed, bus to Oxford, hot weather, too hot; unpacked; took a trip to Primark [the Walmart of England] to buy towels; got groceries, sustenance. Sleep.

Monday. Went to my college - Kellogg College, Cornish Pasties for lunch [yummy]; did other stuff I can't remember.

Tuesday. Day trip to Woodstock, just north of Oxford, toured Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, pretty, opulent, sheep on the grounds. Saw Chaucer's brother's house.

Wednesday. Visited New College [a really old Oxford college], visited St. Edmund's Hall [another college], had drink at the White Horse pub, found the closest thing to an American-style grocery store; went to a concert at the Sheldonian Theatre.

Thursday. london, London, LONDON; Buckingham Palace, Westminster Cathedral [not the Abbey], heard Westminster Abbey chimes, Downing Street, gaurds, gaurds with guns. No time for Harrods. Home instead.

Friday. Laundry, laundry, catch up & rest.

Saturday. Bodleian tour, "Treasures of the Bodleian" exhibit, with Shakespeare's first folio and Mary Shelley's handwritten revisions of Frankenstein [English major pilgrimage], lunch in Botanical Gardens, another Cornish Pasty [still yummy second time around].

Sunday. Church service at St. Mary the Virgin [ye olde university church], champagne reception for a retiring priest after the service, visit to Eagle & Child, bought my subfusc [that outfit with the funny name that makes me look like Hermione Granger].

Monday. Don't remember much about Monday, too tired after the previous week. Sleep.

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